Last weekend I took a spontaneous trip to NYC to meet one of my closest friends, Hayley, who lives in DC. She invited me to join her at her East Village Airbnb for the weekend, so I jumped at the chance to spend time with her even though I’d originally been looking forward to a quiet weekend (funny how that happens).

Hayley is the friend who originally introduced me to Prop Styling. As college friends, we’ve shared an enormous amount of memories and closeness that I believe only comes from those formative years when you’re away from family for the first time and making your way as a semi-independent person. I knew the 5 hour drive would be worth even a few hours with Hayley; She’s one of those friends where time together feels truly rejuvenating. She knows years worth of my stories and history, so it's always easy to pick things up where we left off (which was probably our group text chat the day before - haha!). We both work professionally in creative industries, so it’s great to bounce ideas off of each other, discuss rates and potential plans for the future.

Hayley’s currently an editor at Washingtonian Magazine and was on assignment in the city for bridal fashion week. I was able to attend one bridal event with her, had time to explore on my own and still share meaningful conversation over some delicious meals. I was in the city for less than 48 hours, but still took some photos that I decided to share with you all. I’ve also included a little itinerary with links to the restaurants I visited.

Breakfast at Bluestone Lane
Lunch at Rosie’s
Dinner at Troquet
Drinks at The Wren
Brunch at Freeman’s
Ice Cream at Morgenstern's

Bluestone Cafe

Rosie's for Tacos and Bloody's

Dinner at Troquet

Brunch at Freeman's (obsessed with their decor)

Ice Cream at Morgenstern's

Finding Green space in the city is always a treat.

Puppy friends around every turn!

New York City is seriously beautiful in October, so if you haven't visited during this time of year, I highly recommend it! I just realized while writing that this was my third October in a row visiting the city!
Questions about my trip? I'd love to hear from you!

Bridal show at Sarah Seven